Friday, October 9, 2009

A Non-Noble Nobel Prize

President Obama was recently awarded the Nobel peace prize. I believe that this was premature to an exuberant extent. He was given this prize only ten months after his arrival into office. While he has done allot to strengthen diplomacy and what-not, he is nowhere close to other winners of the Nobel peace prize winners such as Martin Luther King Jr. or Jimmy Carter.

One fact that shocked me to the core was that he was nominated for the Nobel peace pries 1 week after his inauguration. Now this is not like the nomination for your homecoming queen. The nomination process involves letters sent to thousands of the world’s great thinkers and intellectuals. Then they send in who they think should be nominated to the Nobel nomination committee. As you can see this is a very complicated process and should not be given to someone who has been in office for 10 months.

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